Research Trends, industry Insights and Health Care at SIR
Join us at SIR for a timely and relevant exploration of the theme “Reimagining Research to Recognize Emerging Insurance Industry Trends.”
Zeldis Senior Research Director Jeff Mann will share the results of the recent Zeldis study exploring how consumers and physicians view FitBits and other wearables, telemedicine, consumer DNA tests, and other potential changes in health care. Join Jeff on Monday, October 21 at the SIR Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC for an incisive look at how attitudes toward and usage of these new technologies differ by generation.
Learn more about the Zeldis Consumerization of Health Care Study HERE
And also at SIR, what does the research and insights function look like within the insurance industry? A new primary research study delves into the structure of the research function within the insurance industry, how insights roles are integrated within the carrier, how success is defined and measured, pressing issues impacting the research function, and what tools and technology are being used. “Exploring the Research and Insights Function in the Insurance Industry,” was conducted jointly by the Society of Insurance Research (SIR) Research Committee and Zeldis.
On October 21, Brian Kiley of West Bend Mutual, Patrice Nolan of Competiscan, and Amy Rey, Zeldis Executive Vice President, will share the results at the 2019 Annual SIR meeting in Charlotte, NC.