Watch Webinar: FinTech v2.0: How Generation Z is Changing the Financial Services Landscape
As experts in financial services and FinTech market research, Zeldis strives to contribute to the existing, publicly available research to help drive decisions in the market. To that end, Zeldis is pleased to announce the recent completion of Phase 1 of our FinTech thought leadership research, “FinTech v2.0: How Generation Z is Changing the Financial Services Landscape.” In this first phase, we conducted focus groups with members of Generation Z to explore how they view the financial industry and how they prefer to interact in this space.
This phase of the research will help us crowdsource Phase 2 research, a quantitative survey of Gen Z, which will be conducted in late Summer, 2022. The ultimate goal is to generate insights that Financial and FinTech companies can use to better target their products and services to this segment. View Phase I results below:
Click HERE to learn more about the research objectives and methodology.
Email Amy Rey, Executive Vice President to share your comments, questions or to further discuss the findings: amy@zeldisresearch.com.