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Insurance Research Examples

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Public Release Study On Group Benefits

To understand employee attitudes and perceptions of and trends in group benefits, including family and disability leave, Zeldis constructed an online quantitative study with 1000 full-time employees who receive benefits through their employer.

Zeldis was able to help create a cohesive and relevant story around group benefits from the employee perspective that generated a great deal of press and public attention.

Agent and customer satisfaction tracking program

Our client sought to identify areas for service improvements and possible cost savings. To accomplish this they needed to measure and track satisfaction overall and with communication, the call experience, and the claims experience.

Zeldis compiled a continuous telephone customer satisfaction program of several thousand customers and agents annually. Products include life insurance, annuities and supplemental health products.

Using extensive data analysis, including statistical regressions, we helped identify service improvements and helped our client implement process changes to improve caller and claim satisfaction (e.g., issues resolved on first call).

Life insurance concept test

To determine interest in and market potential of a new life insurance offering, we conducted two online bulletin boards with captive and independent insurance agents to test a new life insurance product.

Zeldis provided feedback as to interest and likelihood to recommend the new product, as well as detailed information about the most important benefits and obstacles to sales. This research directly impacted our client’s decision to shelve the concept because of lack of interest and overlap with existing products.

Evaluating product strategy for wellness programs

Our healthcare insurer client sought to better understand attitudes about health and explore wellness with several key populations: middle market benefits managers, consumers, and producers.

This multi-phase research program included both qualitative and quantitative research. The first phase employed focus groups and in-depth interviews to explore wellness and product idea generation. The second phase focused on validating these findings and testing the ideas.

As a result of this project, Zeldis Research helped to identify wellness programs with the most potential, as well as understand differences between employer and employee attitudes towards wellness. Our client has been able to work with companies to effectively position wellness programs, communicate to employees, and create an environment that encourages participation in wellness activities.

Data breach research with agents

For this project, Zeldis Research set out to better define the market for Data Breach coverage, including agents’ price sensitivity and evaluation of the product coverage features.

We conducted qualitative and quantitative research with agents selling Commercial P&C insurance. Initially, in-depth interviews were conducted to inform questionnaire development for the second phase, which included 400 online interviews with agents.

From this research, our client has been able to understand the key coverage features and benefits that agents find most valuable. It has been used to create a product offering and positioning strategy for Data Breach coverage for a large Commercial Property and Casualty insurer.

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