Register for our Webinar: Consumerization of Healthcare
Upcoming Webinar: Consumerization of Healthcare (PHASE I – Qualitative)
Tuesday, September 25 at 1 pm EDT
Potential healthcare changes – how we’ll be cared for and how we obtain care from providers – continues to be front and center in the news. What are consumers taking in from all this information?
Zeldis Research and Schlesinger Associates have collaborated on a qual/quant research study to understand perceptions of these changes among consumers and physicians. We explore their expectations and readiness for the emerging healthcare technology and broader efforts making healthcare more consumer-centric.
You’re invited to join us when we share our qualitative findings in a FREE webinar on September 25!
Sample Description:
- The physician audience includes a mix of physician types (GP/FP/IMs, Peds, ObGyn), ages (Millennials, Gen-Xers, Boomers), as well as health system affiliated and independent physicians
- The consumer audience includes a mix of Millennials, Gen-Xers, and Boomers, as well as individuals with/without children
Specific research objectives:
- Discover consumer and physician expectations for health-related technology, such as wearables like Fitbit and Apple Watch, patient ride sharing services with Lyft and Uber, consumer DNA tests, remote health monitoring devices, telemedicine, and patient health apps.
- Explore consumer and physician expectations for non-technological consumer-centric initiatives, such as urgent care and retail clinics, extended hours, price transparency, patient portals, accelerated scheduling, and patient self-service registration.
- Identify differences among Millennial, Gen-X and Boomer physicians and consumers and implications for navigating with the evolving consumerization of healthcare.
Register for this FREE Zeldis Webinar TODAY!
For more information, contact Jeff Mann.